Jiashao Bridge
Jiashao Bridge is the longest and widest multi-pylon cable-stayed bridges in the world at present.
It is another bridge that crosses the Hangzhou Bay after the Hangzhou Bay bridge. Jiashao Bridge connects the Jiaxing city and Shaoxing city (two cities of Zhejiang Province, China).
The construction of this bridge started on December 14, 2008, and completed on February 03, 2013, then it was opened to traffic on July 19, 2013.
The overall length of Jiashao Bridge is 10.137 kilometers, width is 40.5meter, 8 lanes in tow side. The designed speed is 100km/h.
The bi-directional static load test of this bridge is also conducted by Super-Cell patented Super Cell.
Single Pile Testing load: 205,000kN (46,100kip)
Pile diameter: 3.8m (150in)